Sunday, June 8, 2014

There is no way to summarize this week...

Hello family and friends :) This has been a week to remember....

First of all, it was Bible Camp week!! So I had my acting debut haha I thought it was going to be awful, but I loved it!! I loved getting to talk to the kids everyday and to share our testimonies, even though it was through a cheesy skit, about how much God loves each and every one of them. The kids were so cute and really loved having us there, which was awesome! The downside was that it was in this super old building and it took us until the third day to realize the awful smell was mold so most of us have had awful allergies this week.

Speaking of allergies, I love horses...not. I usually have a really runny nose on the bandwagon because I'm allergic to horses. Some of the teams (Bill and Bob for example) make my allergies worse than others. But I keep taking my allergy meds and kleenex and suffer through it becuase Heavenly Father has blessed me with the ability to play my trumpet no matter what physical ailment I have. 

We got to work in the Cultural Hall and Seventies Hall this week! I love working in the sites- there are some amazing senior sisters that we get to talk to and learn from, but we also get to talk to tourists and share our testimonies with them. Especially about missionary work in the Seventies Hall- I love that place!!! It has a really special spirit for me and I love that I get to testify of Christ where I opened my mission call. 

I spent half of Thursday in the ER and we went to Annie's custard that night. We really needed to have that bonding time as a band because on Friday after HymnFest, we had a meeting in which we found out that one of the band elders had to go home for medical reasons. We, especially the elders, have done everything we could to keep him here, but the doctor and President Gibbons decided that he needed to go home and get the proper medical attention. It's been hard. Really hard. I wasn't that close to him (he plays trombone), but after serving together in the band and having been through everything as a whole band, it's kind of like we lost a brother in our family. And there are other elders who had to return home from full-time missions for medical reasons as well, so this is hard on them too. At the same time, most of us have some kind of physical ailment- whether it be asthma, allergies, a cold, bronchitis, a sore back, or anything else. Others have mental ailments- depression, stress, etc. Others are struggling emotionally or spiritually with various other things. Satan is trying to attack the Nauvoo Brass Band and tear us all down at the same time. He is getting each of us in our own way and is attacking us at our weakest points. Please pray for each member of the Nauvoo Brass Band. We are trying our hardest and praying as much as we can, but any extra help we can receive from your prayers is much needed.

I know without a doubt that Heavenly Father answers our prayers. He loves us so much and wants to bless us, but we must ask. Whether it be a prayer on your way to the hospital asking for comfort, strength and guidance, a prayer that the yellow jacket at Sunset won't sting you, a prayer for the safety and help of someone else, or any little prayer you offer. Heavenly Father hears and answers every single one. Sometimes, He will test our faith and ability to endure and wait patiently for answers, but they will come. 

I also know that Satan is real. I know it sounds weird, but he is! And he is trying to stop the work of the Lord from progressing. He will do everything that he can to stop us from spreading the joy of the Gospel. But we must go on!!! I know that Heavenly Father is stronger than any temptation or trial we have. Through the Atonement we can be strengthened and blessed beyond our wildest imaginations. Prayer works, the Atonement is real, and Heavenly Father loves us.

Sorry for the scatterbrained and short email, I'm not exaggerating when I say it we need your prayers. As a band, we will get through this stronger than we were to start. But it's going to take time and work and an added measure of the Spirit. I love you all so much!

Sister Holbrook

Please don't think we aren't having fun though- we are still having a great time!! There have been a couple nights this week where companionship study ended because we were all laughing so hard that we couldn't breathe! Plus they started doing the cheerleader version of the audition at Sunset and it's the most hilarious thing I have seen! Bible Camp was hilarious and so much fun to be pirates haha and there are lots of funny things everyday- little moments to appraciate life and just laugh. Yesterday, our laugh just happened to laughing at how dead awful our band as a whole looked.

Bible Camp


Bible Camp (again)

Our last pre-Sunset concert with Elder Law

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